Alfred Vanderbilt Memorial on Broadway in Newport RI

Alfred Vanderbilt Memorial on Broadway in Newport RI

Alfred Vanderbilt Memorial on Broadway in Newport RI


Can you tell me anything about the monument to Alfred Gynne Vanderbilt on Broadway in Newport and who is responsible for its upkeep?


Great question! To be honest, I'm not sure that I even knew this one existed!

Unfortunately, all I was able to quickly find on it is from this old New York Times article (screenshot in the photo above).

Alfred lost his life when the steamer RMS Lusitania was torpedoed by the Germans on May 7th, 1915. Some of his friends wanted to erect a drinking fountain as a memorial to his memory.

I'm sure the people at the Preservation Society of Newport County (the organization who oversees most of the mansions) would know more if you want to try and contact them.

Here's their contact info:

Preservation Society of Newport County

424 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840

(401) 847-1000

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