Pics of Thames Street in the late 60's/ early 70's

by Brad

I'd like to see pictures from this time of Thames street before it changed. I spent a lot of time there in the late 60's and early 70's.

I enjoyed the bar 70's, Frenchys, and Jims place. Jim and Murials bar. Not to mention Skippers dock.

Getting old and checking old places I liked a long time ago.

Thanks for any help.


Our Response:

Hey Brad!

We don't have any photos from that time frame, but perhaps some of our visitors do...

Anyone that has photos of any of those locations or that era is always welcome to share them here on the site or on our Facebook page!

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Mar 01, 2019
Looking for photo's or other memorabilia
by: Anonymous

Sorry, no photo's of Thames street. I too grew up in Newport in the 60's and lived off of Thames Street. I would be extremely interested in any one have photo's of that time period especially of the fifth ward.

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