Fall Weather in Newport RI

by Andrea

Corner of Bellevue and Victoria Avenues on a Fall Day

Corner of Bellevue and Victoria Avenues on a Fall Day


What is the weather like in Newport and in Boston during September and October?

I have found that the room rates are cheaper during these months which is ideal for me. However, I'm hoping the weather is still reasonably pleasant.

I live in the Midwest and we don't have any winter weather until January but I'm not sure when winter starts in these areas.



Great question Andrea!

If you love the changing seasons, you'll love Fall in Newport.

Yes, the temperature drops and you have to bundle up a little, but it's so beautiful, and also a nice change from the warm summer months.

You can expect average Fall high temps in the mid 60's and lows of about 50 degrees.

Not shorts and t-shirt weather, but it's still very nice.

Enjoy your visit!

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