About Me

Inside info about this native Newporter

Thank you for taking the time to visit Newport-Discovery-Guide.com.

My name is Paul, and I was fortunate enough to be born in this beautiful city, at the southern end of Aquidneck Island, in Narragansett Bay (that's me in the picture below, manning the cannon at Fort Adams).

fort adams newport ri

I was born at Newport Hospital on Broadway, and grew up in the 5th Ward, a predominantly Irish district at the southern end of the city. Although I've been living in sunny South Florida for the last few years, I spent most of my life in Newport, and return to visit regularly.

My goal with this site is to help you discover Newport from a native's perspective. It's one thing to learn about a city from brochures and magazines, and quite another to get detailed insider info from someone who actually grew up here.

For more info on how I built this website...

...and how you can build a site of your own like this, click here

Rather than planning your vacation itinerary from brochures once you arrive, spend some time on this site (before you arrive and once you're here) and familiarize yourself with Newport first. Then you'll have a better idea what you'd like to see and do, and you'll know how to get here and how to get around.

I'll show you: and much, much more!

Me and my cousins at Fort Adams Beach - circa 1977

fort adams newport ri

I was fortunate to grow up in such a special place, and I'm happy to be able to share some of my knowledge and experiences with you.

I'm sure once you experience Newport yourself, you'll love it as much as I do. If I can be of any assistance to you by answering a question or providing some information, please don't hesitate to ask. Contact me and I'll do my best to help.

Enjoy your discovery of Newport!

Click here to learn how I created Newport-Discovery-Guide.com and how you can create your own site like this

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