Newport Mansions Photo Gallery

See the "summer cottages" of the Gilded Age elite

View pictures of the Newport mansions listed below by clicking on each link or just scrolling down the page.

The Breakers
The Elms
Marble House
Astors' Beechwood
Rough Point
Ochre Court

The Breakers

This is the back lawn of The Breakers. This is my favorite view of this monstrous summer home.

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The view from the side isn't bad either

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This is the main entrance, accessible from Ochre Point Avenue

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The Elms

This view is of the rear of The Elms from the huge back lawn

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This is a closeup of the main entrance, accessible from Bellevue Avenue

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Amazing view of the gardens and back lawn

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This could be you coming down the steps when you come to town and take some Newport mansion tours.

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Closeup of the detail at the rear entrance

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Rear entrance

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Marble House

Main entrance of the amazing Marble House, accessible from Bellevue Avenue.

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Closeup of the main entrance and towering pillars

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Back lawn and terrace (great spot for a cocktail party!)

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My artistic ability ends with stick figures, so needless to say, I'm always impressed by this type of detailed work.

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Chinese Tea House

on the back lawn, overlooking the Newport Cliff Walk

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The Tea House started off much closer to the cliffs, but was moved back to this location in 1977.

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This is another great spot with a great view for a cocktail party or business meeting.

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The main entrance of Rosecliff, accessible from Bellevue Avenue

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Closeup of the front. Right inside, in the ballroom, is where Arnold Schwarzenneger and Tia Carrere did the tango the movie True Lies.

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I wouldn't mind strolling down these steps every morning with my cup of coffee.....

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.....and enjoying this view of the Newport Cliff Walk and Atlantic Ocean

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This is the rear of the mansion, where the terrace hosts many wedding receptions and cocktail parties during the summer season.

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Click on the image below for a larger panoramic view from the lawn

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Astors' Beechwood

Main entrance of Astors' Beechwood mansion, accessible from Bellevue Avenue.

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Always colorful flowers around the fountain

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View of the rear terrace and the lawn

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This terrace also hosts many events throughout the summer season

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Another breathtaking view of the Newport Cliff Walk

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You can even access it from here during the day

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Rough Point

At the end of Bellevue Avenue, you'll find Rough Point, the former home of tobacco heiress Doris Duke.

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This is a tribute to the real camels that Doris used to keep on her back lawn

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The scene of the crime. This is where Doris "accidentally" ran over and killed her interior decorator, Eduardo J. Tirella, in 1966.

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Ochre Court

Part of the Salve Regina University campus, Ochre Court is accessible from Ochre Point Avenue.

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View from the back lawn

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